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Online Tutoring
and Homework
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Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense*

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24/7 Tutoring Anytime, Anywhere

Learners can get personalized help from an expert tutor—anytime, on any internet-connected device, from anywhere in the world.

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Expert Tutors in 150+ Subjects

4,000+ rigorously vetted tutors are available in more than 150+ subjects, including bilingual Spanish offerings in math, science, social studies, writing, study skills, and parent coaching.

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Safe, Secure, Anonymous

Every tutoring session is anonymous and takes place in a secure online classroom. Our tutors undergo comprehensive screenings, including background checks, and are monitored for quality control.

*The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.


K–12 Through College and Beyond

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Military Student using tutor.com on a laptop

“Really love these tutors, and this service is excellent!

A must-have! Helping with school and especially math!”

— High school student

Father and daughter enjoying time together looking at a smartphone by the sea

About Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families

Tutor.com Program Funding and Eligibility

Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) General Library Program, and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA), is a program that provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members, civilian personnel, and their dependents. Those who fund the program determine eligibility for its use. Eligibility can change, and program availability is dependent upon available budget and is not guaranteed.

Do you work with military-connected students?

For promotional materials and ways to stay in touch, visit our Partners & Promoters page.

*The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.