Provides history, prayers, music, symbols, among other information about this religion.
Religion and Ethics: Christianity
Free movies, games, activities, and more for students interested in social studies.
These are for World History, not AP World History
This site presents the beliefs, rituals, festivals and texts of this religion.
Religion and Ethics: Shinto
This site provides data on history, beliefs, holy days and customs about this religion.
Religion and Ethics: Buddhism
This site lists the beliefs, customs and history of this very young religion
Religion and Ethics: Bahai
This site presents the history,beliefs, festivals and rites of this religion.
Religion and Ethics: Zoroastrianism
This site describes the beliefs, history, rites and practices of this religion.
Religion and Ethics: Taoism
This site provides history and rituals and customs of this Afro-Caribbean religion.
Religion and Ethics: Santeria
This site provides a background on the beliefs, history, rites and rituals and a list of famous atheists.
Religion and Ethics: Atheism