This interactive site lets the student click on an article and section or amendment number of the Constitution. The original section or amendment then appears,along with its "Meaning" (a restatement in plain, modern English).
Learn how we elect our President in the United States with Salman Khan of Khan Academy.
Khan Academy
A review of United States History to 1877.
Starts from the very beginning with easy to follow links to get to the section of the Constitution the student is struggling with.
Ben's Guide to US Government for Kids
The Articles of Confederation and Constitution
Many links and child-friendly resources available for information on our government. Includes topics such as Important US documents, Citizenship, communities, Branches of Government, and how laws are made.
Ben's Guide to US Government for Kid's
Select a member of Congress to find out where their campaign funds come from, with easy to understand graphs and charts.
Interactive tool allows the viewer to click and view an online replica of the Constitution of the United States. The site also details the history of this document.
Our Documents