Biology Midterm Exam
This website has a great outline of cellular respiration listed in different sections. It doesn't really have many pictures or animations, but the information is set up in a non-intimidating way.
Introduction to Cellular Respiration
A webpage with geographic range, reproductive behavior, physical description, conservation status, and economic importance of the tiger shark
Animal Diversity website
This PBS site has an excellent flash animation of the molecules involved in photosynthesis and how they travel from human to plant to atmosphere.
I admit this website is not well organized, BUT it has HILARIOUS pictures and diagrams of photosynthesis. The tree-hugger girl picture and its caption is uproarious. This site may help convince students the importance of photosynthesis when they complain how boring it is.
Exploring Science and Technology
This website is clean and ad-free with short textbook modules on the different aspects of photosynthesis. It may be boring looking, but it gets straight to the point and has a self quiz at the end.
The Biology Place: Biocoach Activity
It's an online educational resource for educators, students, and parents. BioEd Online utilizes state-of-the-art technology to give instant access to reliable, cutting-edge information and educational tools for biology and related subjects.
BioEd Online
Basic Explanation of Food Chain: Producers, Consumers, & Decomposers