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Dario C.

Dario C.

About Dario C.


Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics, Physics

I Love Tutoring Because

I love tutoring for different reasons but mostly for those “Oh!” moments when the light bulb turns on and the student finally understands the concept or strategy we have been working on.

Other Interests

Amateur astronomy, Reading, Watching Movies, Web surfing

Reviews (10,066)


Science - Physics - Algebra-Based

Sep 24, 2024
Very helpful charts! Thank you!


Math - Algebra

Sep 23, 2024
This tutor was a great help! 10 out of 10 would recommend.


Math - Algebra

Sep 23, 2024
it took a while. it was cool though


Math - Trigonometry

Sep 22, 2024
great help